I realize that title could be taken in a manner which was not intended, but it's all I could think of. I've finally stepped up. I am playing games on hard.
Over time, it seems that normal difficulty has become extremely easy. I can't stand it anymore. I'm goddamn sick and tired of it. Fuck normal. If I ever fucking meet normal, I'm gonna punch that motherfucker right in it's motherfucking face. That'll wipe that stupid shit-eating grin right off it's goddamn fucking face.
Whoa. I'm sorry about that. I try not to work blue, but normal had it comin'.
But I've found a game that changes how you'll think of difficulty. By which I mean it'll make you think, "Why in the hell do the developers have something personal against me?" It is Demon's Souls.
I'm a little late, but better late than never, huh? I just made that up. Genius. This game takes you to the top of a tower, and then stabs you 39 times, and rubs salt in the wounds, then stabs you in the previous stabs. It is the only game I've played that lets you keep playing while dead. Seriously.
Plain and simple, it's damn hard. That's it. I love it so fucking much.